About MOSA

What to Expect?

The mission of MOSA is to expose passionate middle school students to higher-level mathematics they would not learn in the typical school curriculum.

Based on their interests, students will be divided into two sessions (not necessarily a partition) composed of lectures focusing on topics such as geometry, number theory, combinatorics, etc. Each lecture will be led by two instructors. The curriculum will be structured around topics covered in our Experience Gauger and is flexible as it depends on the level of experience of our accepted students. Students across time zones will be accommodated and will have numerous opportunities to attend lectures, student activities, and group solves. Despite this year's being our first year, we're extremely excited to offer the most mathematically entertaining and enriching summer experience possible. We look forward to meeting all of you this summer!



To accomodate time differences, our afternoon lectures and activities are all duplicated later in the day (except for guest lectures). For each lecture or activity labelled I and II, students can choose to attend either I or II, but not both. We will record the guest lecture for those who are unable to attend.

Session Overview

Session (Aug 21st to Aug 26th)

We will cover Number Theory, Geometry, Combinatorics, Algebra and some miscellaneous topics. Number theory topics range from divisibility, bases, pigeon hole, prime factorization to proof and problem solving, along with important theorems such as the Chicken McNugget Theorem, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Prime Number Theorem, and the Little Fermat Theorem. Geometry topics include polygon, angle-chasing, triangle similarity and congruence, 3D geometry, the Ptolemy theorem, the power of a point, as well as important formulas and theorems associated with trigonometry. Combinatorics topics range from permutations/combinations to stars and bars, recursion, generating function, and probability and expected values.


To apply to MOSA 2023, you must satisfy ALL of the following requirements:

  • You are between age 11 and 15 or you are in middle school (or the equivalent of grade 6 to 9) at the time of applying.
  • You are VERY interested in mathematics
  • You have the time to fill out MOSA 2023 application.
Apply Now

We thank Rick Sommers, the Director of SUMaC, for his advisory and assistance.