Session One will be held from Aug 21st to Aug 26th.
You can view the schedule on the "About MOSA" page. You are expected to participate in all the mendatory activities, including the two 2-hour lectures and the group solve sessions. We strongly recommend you to participate in Q&A, extra activities and games, and the guest lectures.
Session One would be Number Theory and Geometry topics, and Session Two would be Combinatories and Miscellaneous topics. You will have access to more details about the syllabus once you are accepted to the program.
MOSA is always online, regardless of the year. We will be using google classroom as our program platform, and meetings will be conducted via Zoom. You will have access to more details about the sessions once you are accepted to our program.
Because MOSA is open to applicants from all across the world, we have thought about the timezone difficulty, and here's our solution. 9 to 11AM EST seems to be the only time where most participants will be awake, so we will run the first lecture only once, and we will record the lecture if some participants are unable to attend it. For the second lecture, which is run from 1 to 3PM EST, we will duplicate the lecture later that evening from 10PM to 12AM EST, so participants in other timezones would also be able to attend live lectures. We will also host a second group solve session from 4:30AM to 6:30AM EST, so ideally everyone can attend both lectures live and at least one group solve session without compromising sleep.
Please contact us directly after you are accepted to resolve these technical issues. Some of our staff are also located in other countries, so they should be able to help you resolve these problems.
Yes, of course! You will get to know the faculty and participants during online lectures, and every day at noon EST we will have an one-hour online activities session where you can play online games with other pariticipants.
Yes, Yes!! MOSA is designed precisely for those who are interested in mathematics but haven't had much experience with advanced math topics such as Number Theory or Combinatorics. Also, it is completely fine if you couldn't solve some of the problems (or could solve only a few) on the Experience Gauger — we just require that you try your best!
Definitely. Number Theory, Geometry, and Combinatorics are three of the most emphasized topics in competition mathematics, and MOSA will definitely help you familiarize with these topics. Some of the high school math programs are Number Theory oriented, while others might emphasize Combinatorics or other advanced topics we include in the Miscellaneous sessions, so MOSA can prepare you for these future opportunities.
No. In legal terms, MOSA is not affiliated to SUMaC; therefore, attending MOSA might have no impact on your future SUMaC applicatioin.
No, and No. MOSA is completely free, but we would really appreciate it if you could make some donations to support our program by reaching out to us at [email protected].
You can access the online application on the "Applications" page. The application is composed of a basic information section, the Experience Gauger, and a few short answer questions to help us get to know you.
The Experience Gauger is a set of seven problems designed for us to get to know you and your mathematical ability. You are NOT required to solve all or any of the problems on the E.G., only that you try your best. We expect to see all of your thought process even if you did not completely solve the problem. Please see the Experience Gauger (you will have acess to it once you start your online application) for more details.
Since 2021 is our first year, and 2021 = 47 x 43, so there will be 47 students in Session One (Number Theory and Geometry), and 43 students in Session Two (Combinatorics and Miscellaneous).
Participants will be supervised by our staff anytime they are in a MOSA zoom meeting or participate in a MOSA activity. We are NOT responsible for your child's well-being when your child is not in our zoom or participating in other acitivities. We are also NOT responsible for any offline issues that occurred during the program.
Yes, and the deadline for application is August 19th.